
Malaria control on Zanzibar Island

Jasson Urbach | 27 Nov 2023 | Health Policy Unit

Earlier this month, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) commemorated the annual SADC malaria day, which occurs on the second Friday of November. The day that was chosen because it precedes the start of the peak malaria transmission period of January to April in most Southern African countries. Around this time, most countries prepare themselves for the coming malaria season and the purpose of the commemorations is to bring malaria control managers together to share ideas about what policies work in malaria control.

Is it possible to eliminate malaria in South Africa?

Jasson Urbach | 27 Jun 2023 | Free Market Foundation

The debate over eradication versus control has been played out before and politicians hoping to hitch their wagons to the eradication star would do well to understand some of the important disease control history.