None | 14 Mar 2024 | Africa Fighting Malaria
During the last Roll Back Malaria Partnership Board meeting, the Board acknowledged the Malaria Bond Business Plan developed by the Task Force on Innovative Financing and endorsed the next phase, including outreach to key stakeholders. The basic idea of the malaria bond is to provide an alternative funding mechanism for malaria control programs.
Here is how it would work: An investor buys a malaria bond; the issuing agency transfers part of the capital to an implementing organization; the implementing organization invests in a malaria initiative; the initiative is evaluated to establish the success; the donor pays the issuing agency if the initiative is successful; the issuing agency repays the investor and the second tranche to the implementing organization if the initiative is successful.
AFM commends the malaria community for coming up with an innovative financing scheme to sustain malaria control. Previously all the 'innovative' ideas were simply attempts to find new things to tax. Taxes, which have been around since the days of the Pharaohs, are hardly innovative. A malaria bond, the process of which is described above, may hold some promise, but we have some serious concerns about the current proposal.
It isn't fully clear to us why a private entity or a donor agency would 'invest' in the malaria bond, taking on risk, rather than just funding malaria interventions as they traditionally have. Aside from losing future funding, it isn't clear that the issuing agency and implementers take on sufficient risk. When one considers the considerable problems in measuring success in malaria control, how could an investor be confident that a goal has been achieved?
Philip Stevens & Jasson Urbach | 13 Mar 2024 | Free Market Foundation
When anti-globalisation critics argue that free trade generates unhealthy outcomes, it is often in an attempt to take the moral high ground by purporting to act on behalf of poor people.
Roger Bate, Julissa Milligan & Lorraine Mooney | 22 Feb 2024 | MalariaWorld Journal
Increased donated and subsidised medicines for malaria are saving
countless lives in Africa, but there is probably increasing theft and
diversion of those medicines. The impact of medicine diversion is
unknown but potentially dangerous and may bolster criminal networks and
increase medicine stock outs.
Roger Bate | 30 Jan 2024 | Africa Fighting Malaria
How vested interests and NGO politics are stalling much-needed international action against a deadly trade. The first international narcotics treaty, the Hague International Opium Convention was signed a century ago this week.
None | 12 Jan 2024 | Africa Fighting Malaria
AFM is not opening an office in Zambia and there are no job opportunities available. We did not post the advertisement and did not send an invitation letter requesting an ID fee. Please do NOT send any money to the Postnet Box address in Zambia. AFM does NOT have a Postnet Box in Zambia.
None | 13 Dec 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
The World Health Organization releases the 2011 World Malaria Report (WRM2011) today, which contains a great deal of interesting information and new data. Overall this is an excellent document that does not shy away from confronting the considerable challenges that malaria control faces.
Roger Bate | 12 Dec 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
In the past decade great strides have been made in the fight against
malaria, and many other diseases that proliferate in the tropics. US
Government annual spending on malaria has increase from just under $90m
in 2004 to the desired $691m requested by the President's Malaria
Initiative for next year.
None | 05 Dec 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
On Monday, December 5th, AFM's Roger Bate testified before the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights on the increasing threat of antimalarial drug resistance in Africa.
None | 05 Dec 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria
On December 5, 2011, AFM presented its poster on public health insecticides at The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene's 60th annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
Jasson Urbach | 17 Nov 2023 | Health Policy Unit
SADC Ministers of Health met in Limpopo on Friday November 11th to commemorate SADC Malaria Day and raise the profile of the disease. The theme of this year's event was, "Be free of Malaria in the SADC region", which is now conceivable as several countries in the region move towards the goal of malaria elimination.