
Check out what our global partners did for World Malaria Day at Mobilising For Malaria.

AFM has campaigned successfully alongside Malaria Foundation International (MFI) for improved malaria control since our inception in 2000. We worked together with African malaria control program managers, malaria scientists and public health experts to secure a public health exemption for DDT in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Most recently we have supported MFI's Blue Ribbon Campaign to End Malaria, which aims to raise awareness of malaria and rally advocates behind a symbol of hope. 

In May 2008, Hedge Funds vs. Malaria & Pneumonia and AFM teamed up to launch the March of Washingtons - a broad-based campaign to buy and distribute high-quality malaria and pneumonia drugs for people in Africa, and test for fake and substandard drugs on sale in African markets. Here's the idea: George Washington had malaria. George Washington died of pneumonia. George Washington is on the one dollar bill. For every Washington ($1) raised or donated, we will provide an African in need of a malaria or pneumonia treatment with a safe and effective one and conduct quality control testing of antimalarial drugs on the market in Africa. As of 2012, the March of Washingtons has distributed $50,000 for the purchase and distribution of high-quality antimalarial drugs in Uganda (see here, here and here) and $15,000 for the purchase and distribution of pneumonia drugs in Uganda (see here). Funds have also been used to collect and test antimalarial drugs on sale in private pharmacies in several African countries as well as raise awareness about the prevalence of substandard drugs in Africa.

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) promotes sound and effective tools for malaria control and ensures balanced debate on the issue of indoor residual spraying and DDT. CORE and AFM have worked together to promote the Kill Malaria Mosquitoes Now Declaration, which supports the use of DDT in malaria control and calls on donors to devote the majority of their malaria control budgets on insecticides, effective medicines and other commodities that save lives. Hundreds of individuals from a wide range of institutions and countries have signed the Declaration, including Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and the late Andrew Speilman, PhD, of Harvard's School of Public Health.

Many campaigns have been created in recent years to purchase and distribute Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs), which can be very effective against malaria if used properly and in conjunction with other malaria control interventions. You can learn more, donate and spread the word about some of these campaigns by visiting their sites below.

While campaigns like the African Medical and Research Foundation's Swat Malaria enable donations to be used for other critical malaria control tools - including anti-malarial drugs, diagnostic kits, and education materials - none are available for insecticides, spray pumps, or other tools used in highly effective Indoor Residual Spraying.

In addition to joining the existing campaigns of AFM and other organizations, you can Become An Advocate for malaria control.

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