Press Releases

WHO and World Bank Join Forces for Better Results from Global Health Investments

WHO & World Bank | 06 Aug 2023 | World Bank

As delegates gather at the International AIDS Conference (3-8 August), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank today address the pressing global debate around health systems and initiatives in specific aspects of health, nutrition and population. Critics claim that disease-specific initiatives are eroding already weak health systems, while others assert that weak health systems are holding back progress in disease-specific initiatives. In an effort to gather evidence and provide technical guidance in this area, WHO and the World Bank have agreed to join forces in collaboration with a wide range of interested stakeholders including country officials, academic and research institutions, Global Health Initiatives and civil society organizations.

Insecticide Spraying Needed To Control Yellow Fever In Paraguay And Brazil

Africa Fighting Malaria | 26 Feb 2024 | Medical News Today

National health authorities have reported the first cases of yellow fever in Paraguay. In the past two months, the number of cases reported by neighboring Brazilian health authorities has more than quadrupled, and deaths have more than doubled 2007 annual figures to 13 - though local media suggests the number of deaths may be as high as 16.