
Rolling back malaria—the next 10 years

None | 03 Oct 2023 | The Lancet

The Roll Back Malaria (RBM) partnership is 10 years old this month. What started out in 1998 as an alliance of four UN agencies, to facilitate and coordinate implementation of malaria control, has grown exponentially to become a coalition of more than 500 partners. In the early years, RBM faced several problems: uncertainty around its role, four leadership changes in 5 years, and a catalogue of missed opportunities and failures to make any substantial headway to tackle malaria. But last week, the partnership launched their Global Malaria Action Plan to a huge fanfare at the high-level UN Millennium Development Goal meeting in New York.

Drug subsidy may be malaria's death knell

Tamar Kahn | 16 Apr 2023 | Business Day (South Africa)

Roll Back Malaria is spearheading a subsidization scheme in order to purchase ACT's for poor African countries

Canadian Red Cross protects children in Sierra Leone from malaria

Staff Writers | 17 Nov 2023 | Canadian Red Cross

Canadian Red Cross is launching its sixth and largest Preventing Malaria in Africa campaign, protecting all children in Sierra Leone under five years of age from this deadly disease.

Top SA singer urges transparent management of malaria funds

None | 31 Oct 2023 | Angola Press Agency

Top South African singer, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, who last week joined 30 other African UN gooodwill ambassadors at a World Bank Roll Back Malaria Partnership event, has called for greater transparency and public accountability in the management of funds being used to combat malaria.