
Mixed messages from the United Nations on malaria

None | 22 Oct 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

AFM is pleased the United Nations General Assembly supports the use of insecticides (including DDT) and IRS for malaria control and even calls for investment in new insecticides.

Drug Registration - a necessary but not sufficient condition for good quality drugs - a preliminary analysis of 12 countries

None | 01 Oct 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

As the United States has demonstrated over the past century, drug quality is partly dictated by the drug regulatory environment. Without at least basic quality control, cheats can flourish and quality can be weakened.

Written Testimony to the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs - PEPFAR: From Emergency to Sustainability and Advances Against HIV/AIDS

None | 29 Sep 2023 | Michael W. Miller

In many respects, turning now to HSS is a logical, evolutionary shift: AIDS and malaria hardly exist in isolation, nor do they have a monopoly on death and suffering. Moreover, it can be practically and ethically difficult to run well-funded programs for two diseases simultaneously with acutely underfunded programs for others.

DDT Attracts Unwarranted Criticism

Jasson Urbach | 24 Aug 2023 | Health Policy Unit

Imagine a medicine that has saved tens of millions of lives consistently for decades. Imagine that it is still being used highly successfully - yet, many people wish to see it taken out of use because they fear it may cause harm.

March of Washingtons to expand to pneumonia drugs

None | 30 Jul 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The March of Washingtons will now also raise funds for the purchase and distribution of antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia.

DDT in Malaria Control: Roberts and Tren Respond

Donald Roberts & Richard Tren | 01 Jul 2023 | Environmental Health Perspectives

Herren and Mbogo's critique of our response (Tren and Roberts 2010) to van den Berg (2009) is lacking in substance. In their letter, they attack our work by characterizing our advocacy for using DDT to control malaria as a distraction from larger malaria control issues.

Sector-Wide Approaches fail to improve health

None | 30 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

The World Bank and its partners are failing to improve health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa using Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAPs), according to a report by Advocacy to Control TB Internationally (ACTION).

Drug resistance - a global-scale failure

None | 30 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

Drug resistance is seriously undermining efforts to cure disease in developing countries, a new report by the Center for Global Development (CGD) warns. The report argues that although eventual resistance is inevitable, it has been accelerated unnecessarily by careless practices in drug supply and use.

Malaria treatment, over-diagnosis and protecting ACTs

None | 28 Jun 2023 | Africa Fighting Malaria

News out on Friday from Cambodia reports that efforts to control emerging ACT drug resistance is paying off. Dr. Duong Socheat, head of Cambodia's National Center for Malaria Control, reports that the results from their work have been very encouraging.

World Cup: South Africa 10 Malaria 0

Jasson Urbach | 25 Jun 2023 | Health Policy Unit

Although many perceive Africa as a place of wars and deadly diseases, thanks to great malaria control, South Africa has shown that this disease is preventable and to a very large extent, is being stopped at the borders.